Day 5 and last one: Québec-Montréal
By Yvan and Bobby
We proceeded to go to a unique fast-food restaurant called Gibeau Orange Julep. Shaped like a giant orange, the restaurant is a famous Montréal favorite, specializing in its orange juice concocted using their secret formula. While eating our lunch on the bus, we took a quick bus tour around Montréal. First, we drove to Mont Royal (“royal mountain”), the mountain around which Montréal is centered, and we stopped at a vista point, allowing us to take a plethora of beautiful, scenic photos. After that, we topped off our tour by driving past other landmarks and important sites, such as a large statue dedicated to the founder of Montréal and an art museum. Finally, we arrived at the airport and said our final goodbyes and thank you's to Melanie, our guide, and Jean, our “moach master.”
All in all, we all thoroughly enjoyed the trip, with our favorites being playing in the snow, curling, and tubing. We all learned a lot, and had lots of fun!
From Mesdames Tchourilova and Pommier: 10:30pm, curfew time! We had a smooth flight home and were happy to leave 9 wonderful, curious, enthusiastic Harker Eagles with their parents for a restful night and relaxing Presidents' Day.
Merci Beaucoup, Madame Pommier et Madame Tchourilova!